How Retrivo Works

Found lost Item? Register It!

Capture an image, provide details about the discovery, including what and where it was found, and include the guest's email—all accomplished in under 45 seconds.

Easy Guest Coordination

An automated email is sent to the guest, giving them the option to schedule a pickup at their convenience, choose to leave the item, or arrange for its return.

Return and win customers

Return the item and elevate your business reputation through Retrivo's hassle-free return process and win customers

Lost. Found. Reunite

Reunite lost items with your customer

Experience efficient retrieval with Retrivo's innovative features, streamlining lost and found processes for enhanced customer satisfaction.

Retrieve Sustainably

Retrivo's Green Commitment

At Retrivo, we prioritize sustainability and community impact. Explore our eco-friendly initiatives and join us in making a positive difference for the planet and those in need.

Community-Driven Donations

We believe in giving back! Connected with various NGOs, we donate unclaimed items to those in need after a specific period.

Eco-Friendly Retrievals

Retrivo cares about the environment! Our platform not only helps you find lost items but also tracks the carbon footprint associated with the retrieval process.

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